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Empowering Lifestyle Choices for Breast Cancer Survivors: Your Defense Against Recurrence

Catherine by her bicycle

Being a breast cancer survivor is a testament to your strength and resilience. As you embark on the journey of life after breast cancer, adopting intentional lifestyle choices can significantly reduce the chances of recurrence. Embracing these changes can empower you to take control of your well-being and foster a vibrant, healthy future. 1. Nourish […]

How To Make Breast Cancer Move Out Of Your Body

Breast cancer survivor Catherine Haffey exercising with her dog

Take These Evidenced Based Steps to Make Cancer Not Welcome In Your Body! So Be Encouraged! Step #1. Set the foundation for your health and mental well being.  YOUR CANCER KICKING POWER LIES FROM WITHIN YOU! We are spiritual beings with a spirit, soul (your will, mind and emotions)  and physical body.  If we focus […]

Stress Can Cause Breast Cancer. Here Are Ways To Mediate It

Breast cancer survivor Catherine Haffey exercising to fight breast cancer

Stress can be a precursor to cancer.  Here Are Some Ways to Reduce Stress So We Can Mediate Breast Cancer. “The natural healing force within each of us is the greatest force in getting us well. “ Hippocrates Meditation has been linked to improving so many aspects of our busy lives that to me seemed to be […]