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Breast cancer survivor Catherine Haffey exercising to fight breast cancer

Stress Can Cause Breast Cancer. Here Are Ways To Mediate It

Stress can be a precursor to cancer. 

Here Are Some Ways to Reduce Stress So We Can Mediate Breast Cancer.

“The natural healing force within each of us is the greatest force in getting us well. “


Meditation has been linked to improving so many aspects of our busy lives that to me seemed to be a cool thing to do, especially for those unfortunate individuals who experienced an extreme amount of stress in their lives, dire sickness or unfortunate circumstances.  My ignorant perception kept me from seeing the immense benefit of consistently practicing mindfulness. Mindfulness has been documented scientifically to help us on all levels of our being: spiritually, emotionally and physically (spirit, mind and body) as in mind-body connections.  

As modern society has us running in so many directions, we are constantly in multitasking mode, overstimulated by the variety of devices that have robbed us of thinking on our own.  Our brains are so hot wired and in attention deficit disorder, that the thought of sitting down for a few minutes to do “nothing’ seems so unproductive.  And yet, much of our overstimulated brains have become so barren. 

We are not smarter today.  Our devices are making us dumber. 

The gray matter of our brains have neurons just waiting to be sprouted to help us find intention in our lives, where we spend much of our time perfecting dependence on distractions.   

These “mindful muscles” need to be loved on, in practicing intentionally and consistently, to grow and nourish the part of our brains that have been sitting on the couch.

The Benefits for us:

Mindfulness keeps us focused on our breath so we can then better our focus in life.  

Mindfulness encourages us to stay in the present moments.

Mindfulness lowers stress and anxiety and  improves our connectivity with others,

Mindfulness teaches us contentment.

Mindfulness allows us the opportunity to be still and connect with God.

Mindfulness improves side effects of breast cancer treatment such as nausea and fatigue.

Mindfulness improves sleep and quality of sleep.

Mindfulness improves body-mind connection and encourages healing when we use visualization. 

Mindfulness improves overall quality of life.

Mindfulness Practice for Beginners:

*Take a seat in a comfortable position with an upright posture, supporting your back if necessary. 

* Take 2 minutes and just focus on your breathing.  Inhale, using your belly to contract outwards as you inhale and contracting inwards as you exhale,

*Try to empty your lungs on the exhale.

Try the Andrew Weil Method of 4-7-8

*Exhale completely, now inhale, using your belly to contract outwards, counting for 4. 

*Pause or hold breath for a count of 7.

*Exhale, moving your belly inwards for a count of 8.

Repeat for a total of 4 times.


Notice,  how do you feel?

If your mind wanders, gently bring it back, without judgment. 

Sometimes it is helpful to say a word or a phrase associated with the inhale or exhale.  An example could be, saying aloud:  “ inhale” or “exhale” ; “love” on the inhale and “fear” on the exhale.  You may substitute any positive word as you breathe it in and breathe out  any negative word.  

Visualizing or breathing in colors are helpful as well. 

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For more on how to create a healthy mindset and lifestyle, click here.

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